
Monday 5 June 2017

Juventus fans caught in crush which injured 1,000 people, including seven-year-old who was left seriously hurt

A seven-year-old boy is in a critical condition after a crush that injured 1,000 people in chaotic scenes at a Turin screening of the Champions League final.
Juventus fans watching Saturday night's defeat by Real Madrid in the city's San Carlo square were caught up in a stampede when a firecracker sparked panic among the crowd when it was mistaken for a bomb.

Police say around 1,000 injuries have been recorded, with two people seriously hurt. One of those is a seven-year-old who suffered head and chest injuries and is in a critical condition in hospital.

Bags and shoes were left scattered on the ground in Turin after panic overcame the crowd
Paramedics help one of the many fans injured in the Champions League final screening crush

Thousands of fans had gathered in Piazza San Carlo to watch the Champions League final on giant TV screens when a loud sound caused panic at around the 80th minute of the match.
A stampede ensued, with fans being trampled as they tried to flee and a violent surge pushed fans into metal barriers.
Most of the injured were treated for cuts and light contusions. Medics treated fans in the square for cuts and other injuries.
Juventus lost the final 4-1 as Cristiano Ronaldo starred for back-to-back European champions Real Madrid at Cardiff's Principality Stadium.
Afterwards shoes, beer bottles and bags littered the ground in San Carlo square, while people were seen limping and searching desperately for friends and relatives.
Police set up an information point to help people find their loved ones, including many children who had been separated from their parents.

Italian security officers speak to a man following the crush which caused 1,000 injuries
A Juventus fan walks through the square after his team's defeat by Real Madrid on Sunday
An ambulance is pictured in San Carlo square as fans are treated for their injuries

The mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, who had returned from watching the match in Cardiff, held a meeting with police on Sunday morning.
She was then due to visit the local hospital where the seven-year-old boy was being treated. His condition, after suffering injuries to his head and torso, is described as serious but stable. 
Juventus manager Massimiliano Allegri started his post-match press conference in Cardiff by reading out a statement after news broke of the injuries to fans in Turin.
The Juventus boss said: 'I'd just like to say that we feel for what happened to our fans in Turin.
'There was an incident there and we're hoping not too many people were injured seriously and we are hoping that they get better very soon.' 

Fans were caught up in a rush through the crowd after a firecracker sparked panic and chaos
Juventus supporters flee San Carlo square in panic after the reports of an explosion
The scene in San Carlo square before the crush, as Juventus fans gathered to watch the final

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