
Thursday 16 October 2014

Football is Homophobic,says De Sanctics

Hmmmm,Thegoalmac can reveal that Morgan De Sanctis believes that there are homosexual players within the game who are too scared to come out because the world of football is "homophobic".

Former Germany international Thomas Hitzlsperger came out in January of this year but the most high-profile openly gay player still playing the game is LA Galaxy wing-back Robbie Rogers.

What is your take on this,should football gay players come out openly?Or do you prefer the homophobic football environment?Continue.
De Sanctis is in no doubt that there are numerous homosexual players in Serie A who are afraid of coming out because they are concerned by the reaction of team-mates and fans.
"I can say that homosexuality exists in our world," the ex-Italy international told Gazzetta dello Sport.
"Out of 400-500 colleagues, surely two-to-three per cent are homosexual? But nobody has ever had the courage to come out because unfortunately ours is a homophobic environment."

De Sanctis has missed Roma's last two games, against Manchester City and Juventus, with a muscular injury sustained in the win over Verona on September 27 but the 37-year-old shot-stopper could make his return to action against Chievo this weekend.

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