"A couple of years ago I called Neymar to sign him for Barca. Sandro Rossell, the president, saw an opportunity to do it and we phoned him up. When I was in New York it was not clear if Real Madrid would sign him and I called his father to see if there was a chance. I spoke to him and said, 'If you have a chance I think you should go to Barcelona' and you can call Neymar's dad if you want. He decided to come to Barcelona in the end.

“If you are talking about this summer, I never called Messi. I never called Neymar, Luis Suarez, Busquets, Iniesta, I didn't call anybody. 

“As for Ter Stegen I knew that he wanted to play all the time. We got in touch. He wasn't happy with his situation. We needed a goalkeeper like Claudio [Bravo] or Ter Stegen. Claudio came and 
Ter Stegen decided to stay. If I ever called a player playing in any other it would be in a special situation of not playing, and it would be my right to. It is okay, I could have phoned someone if he was not playing, but I never called Leo Messi.

"In the case of Leo I really wish him to play here [at Barca] and finish his career here. Play here for a long time. But maybe he will think, 'okay I want to go play somewhere else' because maybe he wants his kids to speak English or live a different experience, like has happened to many of us. 

Maybe it could happen, but if he decides to go and it happens, there would be a list of seven or eight clubs that would want to sign him, and it would be down to him. Messi will decide where to go.
 “I have had a chance to explain myself. It is not true. I never called a single player from FC Barcelona. I am sorry about the information, where that came from.”

And, as a reporter prepared to ask another question, Guardiola interjected to add: “Oh, and something else about this. If you don't believe me, because I know the people who published this have a good rapport with president Bartomeu, maybe they can call him. I know they have the phone number. Maybe he can corroborate my story.”