
Thursday 23 April 2015

Henderson signs new long-term Liverpool contract

Jordan Henderson has signed a new long-term contract with Liverpool, the club has confirmed.

Henderson had been the subject of speculation regarding his future, with his contract set to expire in 2016, but the midfielder has now set his sights on challenging for the Premier League title.

"There has been talk about it for a while now," he told the club's official website.

"It's brilliant news for me to commit my future to this football club - I really feel that it's a good time for us to look forward to the future, with the squad we've got, the manager, the size of the club and the fans we've got. I really think, over the next few years, we can challenge and start winning trophies.

"That's the next phase; we've improved massively over the last few years, and I think the next phase for us is to start challenging for titles and trophies as well."

Henderson has made 48 appearances in all competitions thus far this season and captained the side in the absence of Steven Gerrard, with manager Brendan Rodgers hailing the midfielder as a "brilliant professional".

"His dedication to his career and football in general makes him a role model to all young players," he said.

"He has faced adversity in his time at Liverpool, but his improvement, growth and development is entirely down to his own hunger, commitment and willingness to learn and be better.

"The fact he has made such a long-term commitment to Liverpool is a sign of his belief in what we are looking to do here. He will have a crucial role to play as we look to take this side forward and look to add success to the progress we have made."

Rodgers also hinted at potential new deals for Henderson's team-mates, with Raheem Sterling one key player yet to commit his future to the club.

"I am very excited about our future and what this group can achieve together; today's announcement is another important positive step forward," he added.

"The owners are committed to creating a team that can grow, improve and ultimately win together. We have seen some very important contract renewals this season and I'm confident, under Ian Ayre's stewardship, we will see further commitments made and more exciting talent secured and added to our squad."

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