
Friday 17 October 2014

I Don't just want to see attacking Football,says Van Gaal

Thegoalmac can reveal that Van Gaal believes that there is a lot more work to do in finding the right overall structure and balance for the team.

One thing i like about Mr Van Gaal is that he is honest and straight to the point,knows what is wrong and tries to fix it,guess Mourinho got that from him when he assisted Van Gaal at Barcelona,even though i'm not too sure about the honest part,but surely knowing what is wrong part,Lol.

Continue for what Mr Van Gaal said.
He told reporters: "We need more balance, I said that after the Everton match. I'm looking for balance in the team, not just spectacular attacking football.

"When you lose the ball, you must have a shape as a team and then you can defend more easily. You can kill the game better.

"I have confidence in my players and I think that is very important but it is much more important that the players have confidence in the manager and his staff.

"Of course, like I have already said, we could have done better because I don't think that we are in balance now. I am sorry to say that but it is the truth. We are moving forward in training sessions, though, and evaluating those sessions. I hope that we shall improve."

The squad look ready enough to work to make the necessary changes, with defender Marcos Rojo posting a picture of himself and striker Falcao during training.

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