
Thursday, 18 September 2014

Wenger:I would have loved to Coach Drogba For Hurting Us So Much

 Arsenal Manager said that he would have loved to manage Chelsea legend,Didier Drogba,for two resaons,which one them is for hurting the so much.

Really,Drogba have really dealt with Arsenal,i hope he is not planning  to continue from were he stopped this season,atleast for Arsene's sake Lol,continue to see what he said...

"I would have loved to have managed Didier Drogba for two reasons," he continued. "One, I missed him when he played in France at Le Mans, not even in the top league. I knew there was a good player there and I missed him.

"Secondly because he hurt us so much in the big games. All this pain would not have happened [if he had joined Arsenal]."

Wenger also says he spends his time away from the game "watching football matches and hoping his rivals lose their matches," and suggested football management is an occupation that requires complete dedication.

"My job is to win games and be consistent at the top level and when young managers ask for advice, I say: 'Look to sacrifice your life. There is no life out of this job.'

"We also have to recover from disappointments. Today with the social networks, we must have a huge resistance to stress and be very strong in your guidelines. You must have the guts to put your ideas into action."

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